Monday, December 28, 2009
i was waiting for the longest time.
i have decided that if i get an apartment, it should look a little bit like this.
because right now, i am poor.
and can barely afford my dorm.
i would need a lot of curtains for this room.
but that's obviously my bike and my husband sitting right there on the couch, so i guess this means i'm going to land a great job and will soon be enjoying brick walls and conservatory-like conditions.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
christmas according to gap

working in retail always has it's unexpected little surprises. working in retail around christmastime proceeds to reveal more then ever should have been and much of what needed to be.
of course, a clothing store is bound to be busy in the last few days before christmas eve. in the past week, i have seen perfectly normal mothers in their turkey-print turtlenecks and high-waisted jeans ravage, plundering just folded tables of clothing for their specific item. piles of skirts are fiercely overturned as a size medium is always in the middle and always the most popular. manners go out the window in rites of passage within a store, and i've seen more then one woman vigorously cut off by another within the short aisles.
the men don't seem to have this warring problem when it comes to clothes and shopping...they meander slowly about the store, observing the pandemonium from a distance and then casually pick up a sweater they think their wife will appreciate and amble towards the cash register. easy.
ive had my share of stories from these last couple days, but one exchange stuck out to me more then the rest (minus of course the woman who proceeded to remove clothing in front of the cash register to prove that her jeans legitimately carried the Gap label):
i had been working the register for approximately three hours without a slow in customers when the young woman who was next in line began to cautiously make her way to the counter. She seemed very unsure of herself and a bit self conscious as she laid a pair of men's jeans and an expensive, men's peacoat on the counter. She smiled shakily and brushed back a stringy bang from her face. She looked pretty young, twenty at the oldest.
"Do you need a gift receipt for any of this?" I asked her.
" mean, well, no..I don't think so," she stammered, "I don't think I'll be returning this. I forgot what it feels like to buy clothes for him."
She smoothed her rumpled shirt and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "My husband's coming home tomorrow," she smiled a silly grin, "He just got his visa approved and he's coming home tomorrow."
"Oh really? Where's he from?" I asked as I placed the clothes she was buying into the big red bag.
"Um, Mexico," she smiled oddly and rubbed her pale arm, "It feels so strange, I can't believe it." She chattered for a bit about the arrangements and when he would be coming, telling me many more details then the normal Christmas customer usually would. She seemed sweet, but strange.
"Well, I'm so happy for you...just in time for Christmas too!" I told her, "Looks like you're all set here, if you want to sign right there you'll be good to go."
She was staring off into space, a vacant look in her eyes.
"Oh..what?" she brushed her shirt nervously, "Sorry...I'm out of it."
"Not a problem," I said, "Here, sign right here."
She signed the scanner and then looked up at me, still smiling her perplexing grin as I handed her the bag of clothes.
"I have to go pick him up at the airport now, I think he's waiting. Bye."
She had an awkward, tottering gait and moved slowly from the counter with her belongings, still smiling.
I hope he was there waiting for her.
And I hope he really loves her too.
rainer maria rilke
i hold this to be the highest task for a bond between two people: that each protects the solitude of the other. rainer maria rilke
from the moment i first read this, i could not have been more fascinated by it's deepness. If you put 'deep' into a thesaurus, you get words like 'dark' 'intense' 'rich' 'strong' 'bold' 'warm'. These words describe the feeling I get when I grasp the tiniest corner of this quote, like percolated coffee on Sunday morning, and it makes me satisfied.
solitude can be terrifying. or restful. depending on the type of person you are. for those who recharge by being with people, the thought of sitting alone and spending time thinking seems an averse choice. why sit isolated, caught up in the maze of your thoughts, when you could be surrounded by the love and warmth of others who understand? for those who recharge by being alone, an unoccupied room is refuge and an open field with no one in sight for miles feels like home. each type of person shies away from the opposite matter.
however, there is not a strong enough word i can use to describe the importance of solitude. when you love someone, it's easy to want to be with them as a constant. however, in order to further that bond, there must be solitude. solitude is where we come to terms with our thoughts, where the Lord can clearly speak to us, where we rest, and where thinking goes unrestrained. this must be protected at all costs.
to truly love someone is to be thinking of their needs above your own...even if that means protecting them from yourself in some fashion. it is a difficult task, but one that will eventually yield greater regard for each person than ever thought possible.
from the moment i first read this, i could not have been more fascinated by it's deepness. If you put 'deep' into a thesaurus, you get words like 'dark' 'intense' 'rich' 'strong' 'bold' 'warm'. These words describe the feeling I get when I grasp the tiniest corner of this quote, like percolated coffee on Sunday morning, and it makes me satisfied.
solitude can be terrifying. or restful. depending on the type of person you are. for those who recharge by being with people, the thought of sitting alone and spending time thinking seems an averse choice. why sit isolated, caught up in the maze of your thoughts, when you could be surrounded by the love and warmth of others who understand? for those who recharge by being alone, an unoccupied room is refuge and an open field with no one in sight for miles feels like home. each type of person shies away from the opposite matter.
however, there is not a strong enough word i can use to describe the importance of solitude. when you love someone, it's easy to want to be with them as a constant. however, in order to further that bond, there must be solitude. solitude is where we come to terms with our thoughts, where the Lord can clearly speak to us, where we rest, and where thinking goes unrestrained. this must be protected at all costs.
to truly love someone is to be thinking of their needs above your own...even if that means protecting them from yourself in some fashion. it is a difficult task, but one that will eventually yield greater regard for each person than ever thought possible.
Monday, December 7, 2009

The firmament has waited to fall apart.
It will be in November.
Then, when I am scuffling over sleet and concrete,
when my fingers are too weak to write, when the sun gasps
for air at five-hours-from-noon, I will glance up sharply. Something
in our atmosphere has ripped. Only enough to let time slide out and dissolve
in the boiling pressure of infinite things. Didn't I cry out then?
Didn't someone say we are fragile?
Far too fragile for something like real space.
Especially since my spirit has been crumpled
like the ultra-thin papers of ancient writing all
crammed into clay; the Qumran cave that waits for a hurtling rock
to interpret its insides. If the rock never comes,
the sea will.
(but paper is no match for water)
- Brianna Tongen
yes folks. i do go to college with her. its okay be jealous.
quick update though:
1. i finally got my long-awaited cartilage piercing. not too drastic, i know, but it was a nice merry christmas surprise from rahnny. we got cinnamon bagels and OJ and then she drove me straight to the place and announced that i was getting it done and she was paying for it.
2. ive been consuming bubble tea at an alarming rate this week. a friend of mine tried it for the first time on saturday and he described it as an "invasion of the mouth." i have to admit it's a pretty weird feeling, but worth it.
3. i am an acrobat. i cannot get in or out of my bunk at college without climbing onto my desk, swinging my leg awkwardly over the post, and then army crawling to my pillow due to the low ceiling. getting out of bed in the morning would probably be a treat for someone to watch...i'm generally half asleep, trying to reach for the desk with my toes but frequently misinterpreting the distance and knocking various items too the ground in one big clatter. yes, i have fallen out of bed several times this semester.
4. my roommates and i have discovered the pull-out bed in our dorm. it has remained out in the living room for a week now and we have frequented it with reeses pieces, tea, and movies most nights.
5. i only have one more anthropology class left. enough said.
8:30am is too early to be learning about this kind of thing.
6. God is still doing crazy things (obv). seriously, if i have a chance to talk with any of you in person, i'd love to tell you about this prayer thing and 3 am and the spiritual warfare and the faithfulness He's been showing - I don't mean that in your normal, everyday cliche way either. but seriously ask me.
7. there is a snowstorm coming tomorrow. i have a mixture of wonderful and hateful feelings about this. mostly wonderful though because the weather has waited a legit amount of time before dumping thigh-high amounts of snow on our campus. that and i am getting pretty pumped to snowboard.
okay well, I should be typing my paper on the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, but amy and I are hungry now and are going to Punch pizza. k, bye.
Friday, December 4, 2009
winter smell

i think i am extra-prone to certain smells. maybe. like the outdoors usually has a very specific scent to me depending on the weather or the season or the type of light or even the color outside. is that weird?
this is kinda like synesthesia i think...well except not, but according to my psychology professor it's when people perceive letters, numbers, time, or music as certain colors, scents, or dimensions. it's a neurologically-based phenomenon and I think it would be incredibly wonderful to have. like, i wonder what color my voice would be? or would my clothes have a certain sound? or when I sing, what shapes would it sound like?
anyways, I don't think I have this, but when I walked outside today, the sky was ivory colored, the clouds and sun were feathery, the snow was drifting slowly, and it smelled like winter.
i think i've always smelled seasons and weather. when it rains, it always smells like worms. i don't mean that in a disgusting way at all, but when it rains they all come out of their little holes and lay vagrant on the streets, so it's no wonder it smells this way. of course, the vibrance of the grass and leaves are all intermixed with this, and it all comes out into this woody, fresh, exhilerating scent.
anyhow, its winter now. it smells lovely. and i loved walking in the scent today.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
obed warriors
i don't really have much time to write right now, but if any of you who read my blog could just be in prayer...there are some crazy spiritual warfare things going on. i've been hearing so many stories of the unseen world around us lately and it literally gives me chills.
my dear friends, amy and mishawn, have begun a group that meets to pray over the dorms and campus at 3am each week on thursday/friday. we want to try and pray over each specific dorm room with Scripture...our campus is in crazy need of prayer. I've always taken intercession and prayer for granted i think, but the Lord is truly asking something of us and we want to obey.
we don't really know what this is all about or why there is such an urgent need for prayer, but if you could truly be praying for this that would just be so appreciated and encouraging to me and the people in this group. if you want to check out some more info on it, there's a facebook group on it called Obed Warriors.
We're kinda operating under the Scripture 2 Kings 6:15-17:
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked.
16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
my dear friends, amy and mishawn, have begun a group that meets to pray over the dorms and campus at 3am each week on thursday/friday. we want to try and pray over each specific dorm room with Scripture...our campus is in crazy need of prayer. I've always taken intercession and prayer for granted i think, but the Lord is truly asking something of us and we want to obey.
we don't really know what this is all about or why there is such an urgent need for prayer, but if you could truly be praying for this that would just be so appreciated and encouraging to me and the people in this group. if you want to check out some more info on it, there's a facebook group on it called Obed Warriors.
We're kinda operating under the Scripture 2 Kings 6:15-17:
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked.
16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
the four loves

"There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell."
Currently reading: The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis - its pretty phenomenal.
Please pick it up if you have time. It only has five chapters: Likings and Loves for the Sub-Human, Affection, Friendship, Eros, and Charity. It's a short read, but I think my outlook on love is changing for the better because of it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
paintballed window
as i sit here and struggle to write a six page paper on male anorexia, i thought i'd write a little blog, and now that i'm here, i realize i have nothing to say except various statistics on premorbid impulsiveness and the eating habits of adolescent men.
well, i maybe have a little. i just turned on some crooked still, made some good earth tea, and got some almonds, and that helped my paper-writing mood a bit. oh, our window got paintballed like an hour ago by some men in hoods. we're not sure who they are, although we have our suspicions. when we looked out the window, they quick threw their hoods up, ran, and jumped in the waiting car. the funny thing was, they drove off with the door open...even all the way around the corner. made them feel more intense, maybe? sadly, we no longer have a view to look at as our window is now a bunch of rainbow streaks. welp, guess thats it.
please be satisfied with your body image men,
well, i maybe have a little. i just turned on some crooked still, made some good earth tea, and got some almonds, and that helped my paper-writing mood a bit. oh, our window got paintballed like an hour ago by some men in hoods. we're not sure who they are, although we have our suspicions. when we looked out the window, they quick threw their hoods up, ran, and jumped in the waiting car. the funny thing was, they drove off with the door open...even all the way around the corner. made them feel more intense, maybe? sadly, we no longer have a view to look at as our window is now a bunch of rainbow streaks. welp, guess thats it.
please be satisfied with your body image men,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
lovestruck and words

I think we're all aware that the term 'Christian' doesn't hold the same countenance that it did even a century ago. So what then are we to refer to ourselves as?
Religious? Spiritual? Follower of Christ? ...Lovestruck.
Ultimate reality. Living for the unseen. The longing, the frustration, the peace.
How do we truly explain to someone who cannot see, who doesn't believe...all of the wonder, the comfort, the esteem, His jealousy, our fear and respect, the giving up of one's self, the significance, the passion, the consuming, the calm, the existence, the vigilance, the being.
Something epic. A legend, a crusade? So simple a child can grasp it, yet something that even the most perceptive theologian cannot completely unravel.
All the words in one book could not do. The English language cannot possibly capture it.
Can it?
How do we culminate that into one word for someone.
Friday, November 20, 2009
quote from googling God
"God, for me, is like someone who's already up when you've come downstairs in the morning and you're stumbling to get that cup of coffee and he's already there with his. And you sit on the front porch in a rocking chair and the sun is just starting to rise over the horizon and he says, `It's a beautiful sunrise!' And I say, `Yeah.'"
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
people i miss

so there are some people in my life that are not near and i have been missing sooo much. i miss jojo and her incredible insight on God. i miss our moms at restaurants. i miss her hugs and her happy-go-luckiness about life. i miss how we laugh at literally everything. i miss liz and our sameness. i miss sitting on benches with her. i miss our families all in one house on holidays. i miss talking about hondu and africa and our different campuses. i miss shelby and her passion for God. i miss her freckles especially. i miss getting deep about life with her. i miss climbing into our tent and freezing our chips off in 30 degree weather. i miss discussing martyrs and living well and the Lord's power with her.
two months is way too long.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
meteor shower

I feel so alive today.
Last night, a group of us drove out to the country to watch the meteor shower. We caught the tail end of it but even so, it was beautiful. It was perfectly still out and the air was cold and clear. Each person was wearing about six layers of clothing, so we closely resembled large, multicolored lumps sitting out in a cornfield. Being under an expanse as large as the sky in such an open area is really humbling. To truly imagine each one of those tiny lights as big as an entire planet suddenly made me feel very small.
In a sense, this falling of stars put me back in my place. I often have an I-can-do-it-myself-attitude, but seeing this hugeness...well, I certainly can't do it myself. This comprises feelings that are quite the opposite of arrogance as well, such as worry and doubt. "Well God, how am I supposed to know what Your will is for me if I can't even figure out what I like and want?" The logic of this escapes me but I pray that so often. How about I just give it all to the Lord and let Him worry about it?
Anyways, so we got back at like three in the morning and everyone was dead tired. However, since I didn't have class today, I got to sleep in until about eleven, so I woke up completely rested and feeling very much alive. My devo was on prayer and the perseverance within that, and I couldn't help but think of Obed's Warriors and the 4am jaunts. I was meeting a couple friends for lunch, so I grabbed my iced coffee from the fridge and caught the shuttle. It was mild and clear out and the sky was extra blue I think...yes, today is good.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
lunch ladies
When it comes to lunch ladies, i have many thoughts.
Growing up, my concept of lunch ladies was that they were fully of the controlling and commandeering nature. Whistles were constantly being blown, "Heads down!" was persistently shouted, and the lights were flashed repeatedly to get our attention. We were not allowed to share food or sit by the boys and someone had to...absolutely had to wash the table at the end of the meal or there would be a price to pay. Recess was always on the line within threats and I will never forget the shrillness or the octave that was reached when we heard, "Be quiet NOW OR I WILL START HANDING OUT DETENTIONS!"
Now this may sound a bit dramatic, but I assure you, this is how the whole system went down. At the delicate age of seven, this really could be quite traumatic. However, I don't fully hold this monstrosity against these dear ladies. Yes, I did say dear. Given that they were handling over two hundred small children who were stuffing their faces with sloppy joes and peanut butter, while congruently throwing mac and cheese across the room, the fact that they yelled now and then seems to be a legit allowance and a sanctioned reason for their inhospitable nature.
This entire monologue is, however, inspired today as a result of my own clumsiness. I was sliding my tray under the drink machine at lunch, fully intending to quickly fill two glasses with water and one with chocolate milk, when my tray stuck on a wet patch and the entirety of the platter dumped itself onto the floor. Potato soup landed on my jeans and my shoe, and my tatertots - cordially referred to as potato gems by Cafe Naz (and they truly are) - scattered everywhere.
I was embarrassed for about three seconds, when suddenly, who else, but two lunch ladies appeared. (Yes we have them at college too...although here they are breakfast and dinner ladies as well.) They went to quick work mopping up the mess and replacing the tray, and I was ready to go in about a minute flat. They were kind and helpful and assured me that, "this situation happens on a daily basis, so please don't worry dear." I walked out of the cafe with an air of confidence, gripping my clean tray and hardly aware of the wiped-up soup blotch on my pant leg.
Needless to say, my entire outlook on lunch ladies has changed for the better. I no longer think of them with distaste or consider their job to be easy in any way. In my book, they belong right up there with Spiderman and Wolverine.
Growing up, my concept of lunch ladies was that they were fully of the controlling and commandeering nature. Whistles were constantly being blown, "Heads down!" was persistently shouted, and the lights were flashed repeatedly to get our attention. We were not allowed to share food or sit by the boys and someone had to...absolutely had to wash the table at the end of the meal or there would be a price to pay. Recess was always on the line within threats and I will never forget the shrillness or the octave that was reached when we heard, "Be quiet NOW OR I WILL START HANDING OUT DETENTIONS!"
Now this may sound a bit dramatic, but I assure you, this is how the whole system went down. At the delicate age of seven, this really could be quite traumatic. However, I don't fully hold this monstrosity against these dear ladies. Yes, I did say dear. Given that they were handling over two hundred small children who were stuffing their faces with sloppy joes and peanut butter, while congruently throwing mac and cheese across the room, the fact that they yelled now and then seems to be a legit allowance and a sanctioned reason for their inhospitable nature.
This entire monologue is, however, inspired today as a result of my own clumsiness. I was sliding my tray under the drink machine at lunch, fully intending to quickly fill two glasses with water and one with chocolate milk, when my tray stuck on a wet patch and the entirety of the platter dumped itself onto the floor. Potato soup landed on my jeans and my shoe, and my tatertots - cordially referred to as potato gems by Cafe Naz (and they truly are) - scattered everywhere.
I was embarrassed for about three seconds, when suddenly, who else, but two lunch ladies appeared. (Yes we have them at college too...although here they are breakfast and dinner ladies as well.) They went to quick work mopping up the mess and replacing the tray, and I was ready to go in about a minute flat. They were kind and helpful and assured me that, "this situation happens on a daily basis, so please don't worry dear." I walked out of the cafe with an air of confidence, gripping my clean tray and hardly aware of the wiped-up soup blotch on my pant leg.
Needless to say, my entire outlook on lunch ladies has changed for the better. I no longer think of them with distaste or consider their job to be easy in any way. In my book, they belong right up there with Spiderman and Wolverine.
Monday, November 9, 2009
this thing will last forever
I got a new toothbrush holder today. And I am happy about it.
That sounds a bit trifling, but let me explain. Our old toothbrush holder is made of plastic and metal, and after a year and a half of love, it began to show signs of rust and extreme wear. Now, the thing is just downright gross and totally unacceptable for holding anything that goes in our mouths. The new toothbrush holder, however, is made of chrome and probably will still be around in 2098.
I got to visit Amy today and since we will have an apt. together in approximately 1.5 years, I consider this toothbrush holder to be hers as well. And so we celebrated our new item with Ritz crackers, Milano cookies, and the P&P soundtrack. Don't worry, we didn't obsess over it or anything (only Jesus deserves that, not toothbrush holders) but it did entertain us for a good ten minutes. I have to admit, the conversation over the tb holder may or may not have morphed into further thoughts and plannings for our apartment...
Ready to brush,
- Lo
That sounds a bit trifling, but let me explain. Our old toothbrush holder is made of plastic and metal, and after a year and a half of love, it began to show signs of rust and extreme wear. Now, the thing is just downright gross and totally unacceptable for holding anything that goes in our mouths. The new toothbrush holder, however, is made of chrome and probably will still be around in 2098.
I got to visit Amy today and since we will have an apt. together in approximately 1.5 years, I consider this toothbrush holder to be hers as well. And so we celebrated our new item with Ritz crackers, Milano cookies, and the P&P soundtrack. Don't worry, we didn't obsess over it or anything (only Jesus deserves that, not toothbrush holders) but it did entertain us for a good ten minutes. I have to admit, the conversation over the tb holder may or may not have morphed into further thoughts and plannings for our apartment...
Ready to brush,
- Lo
Friday, November 6, 2009

I am perfectly content tonight. I had a couple hours to myself after class in which I finally got to clean. When in the mood, I am a cleaning fiend...this usually occurs when I am slightly stressed out or have a lot on my mind. Somehow putting everything back in its place physically helps mentally. At least I think that's how it works. Anyways, so I cleaned to the brilliant sounds of Dustin O'Halloran and drank tea and then went to get ready for the second performance. What an evening.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
eminent afflictions

I have to share this excerpt with you.
I seriously think God laughs at me I'm just praying, "God, why this...and why that...?" and then after further exemplifications of questioning from my end, He just takes me by the shoulder and whisks His hand outward, showing me the magnificence that I had been so clearly missing. Okay seriously, if you are one who gets stuck in the plodding of life and the monotony of the everyday..please continue reading.
This is from my beloved, little, 1925 copyrighted version of Streams in the Desert. It's corners are worn, the dark orange cover is fading, and the binding has officially cracked, but it continues to pour forth unbelievable wisdom everytime I pick it up...
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten." (Rev. 3:19)
God takes the most eminent and choicest of His servants for the choicest and most eminent afflictions. They who have received most grace from God are able to bear most afflictions from God. Affliction does not hit the saint by chance, but by direction. God does not draw His bow at a venture. Every one of His arrows goes upon a special errand and touches no breast but his against whom it is sent. It is not only the grace, but the glory of a believer when we can stand and take affliction quietly. - Joseph Caryl.
If all my days were sunny, could I say,
"In His fair land He wipes all tears away"?
If I were never weary, could I keep
Close to my heart, "He gives His loved ones sleep"?
Were no graves mine, might I not come to deem
The Life Eternal but a baseless dream?
My winter, and my tears, and weariness,
Even my graves, may be His way to bless.
I call them ills; yet that can surely be
Nothing but love that shows my Lord to me!
Okay, okay so the poetry is a bit cheesy...but seriously, isn't this ridiculous? I don't think affliction is necessarily focusing on the most noted of troubles but includes many things...encompassing both the dull and weary day, as well as the petty grievances of a week. Sometimes the Lord is silent...and boy do I need to learn to not complain or question in these times.
It's freeing to realize and remember that just because we don't feel God doesn't mean He is far or has chosen to stop working.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
this is a tribute
this is a tribute to those who offer to give backrubs.
you are truly and seriously loved. these people hold a special little place in my heart. no asking, or even begging is necessary, no backrub chain is ensued; they just simply and kindly offer to help.
you are truly and seriously loved. these people hold a special little place in my heart. no asking, or even begging is necessary, no backrub chain is ensued; they just simply and kindly offer to help.
Monday, November 2, 2009
oh, the comfort

oh, the comfort
the inexpressible comfort
of feeling safe with a person
having neither to weigh thoughts
nor measure words
but pouring them all right out
-just as they are-
chaff and grain together
certain that a faithful hand will
take and sift them
keeping what is worth keeping
and with the breath of kindness
blowing the rest away.
dinah maria mulock craik
you know who you are.
Friday, October 30, 2009
appreciating my bonnet
I love Jim Elliot's quote, "Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living." I feel like I do this on a daily basis. Well, the opposite of what he says, that is. I let my longing for more time or more rest or better relationships or further wants fog up my perception of what is in the here and now.
I met with Julia last night in the courtyard room and we ate gnocchi with sundried tomatoes and it was wonderful. We had a beautiful conversation circling around several different subjects, but one stuck out to me more then the rest. I was telling her about how I was feeling mildly stressed out with the constant theatre rehearsals for The Crucible and how I felt as if I never had time to just rest and let my mind stretch itself out in preparation for the next thing. So here I am jabbering on about how I wish this could be this way and that one thing is completely unnecessary and she just looks at me and says, "Lauren, I know it's difficult to have such long periods of time booked away. But don't you see? This is your ministry."
I realized right then that I was completely and utterly letting my longing slay my appetite for living. I was looking at my neverending rehersals as a hinderance to possible ministry opportunities and quality time with my friends, but I had never viewed it as a circumstance to grow my relationships with the other actors and focus on some of their needs.
There are so many aspects of life that I simply need to shift my attitude about. And whether that be doing dishes in my room or wearing a bonnet and Puritan costume for the play hardly makes a difference. I want to live my life in the present and take advantage of every opportunity He presents me with. Amazing realizations and mountain-top feelings aren't in His mode...He is certainly capable of them and He does occasionally choose to bless us with them, but it's in the everyday plodding of life that He makes Himself known.
I met with Julia last night in the courtyard room and we ate gnocchi with sundried tomatoes and it was wonderful. We had a beautiful conversation circling around several different subjects, but one stuck out to me more then the rest. I was telling her about how I was feeling mildly stressed out with the constant theatre rehearsals for The Crucible and how I felt as if I never had time to just rest and let my mind stretch itself out in preparation for the next thing. So here I am jabbering on about how I wish this could be this way and that one thing is completely unnecessary and she just looks at me and says, "Lauren, I know it's difficult to have such long periods of time booked away. But don't you see? This is your ministry."
I realized right then that I was completely and utterly letting my longing slay my appetite for living. I was looking at my neverending rehersals as a hinderance to possible ministry opportunities and quality time with my friends, but I had never viewed it as a circumstance to grow my relationships with the other actors and focus on some of their needs.
There are so many aspects of life that I simply need to shift my attitude about. And whether that be doing dishes in my room or wearing a bonnet and Puritan costume for the play hardly makes a difference. I want to live my life in the present and take advantage of every opportunity He presents me with. Amazing realizations and mountain-top feelings aren't in His mode...He is certainly capable of them and He does occasionally choose to bless us with them, but it's in the everyday plodding of life that He makes Himself known.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
we are so tired of meaning nothing
So I'm sitting up in the Alpha Center on the fourth floor of Naz in the far left hand corner (so basically in a tower). There are no tutees for us to tutor today so I have much time available for unfinished homework and introspection.
It was still dark outside when I left my dorm this morning. I went to catch the shuttle at approximately 7:44am, and I missed it by a minute. Usually when you miss the shuttle on the front side of the building, you can quick run down three flights of stairs and make it out to the other side in time to catch the bus at the street corner. However, even though I practically slid down those steps (epitome of gracefulness) I reached the corner too late.
Luckily the other shuttle from Arden stopped in the middle of the street to let me on and the bus driver asked in his oldish way if I needed a ride. Why yes I do.
Well anyway, I made it. And now I have to share this poem submitted to the Inkstone by one of the most dear women I have met. This one can be felt:
We Are So Tired of Meaning Nothing
Ashley Beck
That was the summer we strung moments together
recklessly and pinned them to walls in a room
with no windows. We were strategic.
I wanted to take pictures of every place we sat:
the back of the laundromat with the fake flowers,
the bench behind the cheap resort,
the red table outside the drive-in restaurant.
Important, empty places.
I can tell you there was a war going on,
but don't ask me to distinguish premature
moment from premature moment.
The days meld together like warm blood:
I forgot to write them down.
Your lips are taut; smoke dances around them. I lie
in the dirt next to the curb just so you'll tell me to get
up. A debauched haze interrupts the skyline. Here,
there are no stars. I ask, "Why are you so calm?"
"Because when you're this way, I have to be."
We are nervous people.
It was still dark outside when I left my dorm this morning. I went to catch the shuttle at approximately 7:44am, and I missed it by a minute. Usually when you miss the shuttle on the front side of the building, you can quick run down three flights of stairs and make it out to the other side in time to catch the bus at the street corner. However, even though I practically slid down those steps (epitome of gracefulness) I reached the corner too late.
Luckily the other shuttle from Arden stopped in the middle of the street to let me on and the bus driver asked in his oldish way if I needed a ride. Why yes I do.
Well anyway, I made it. And now I have to share this poem submitted to the Inkstone by one of the most dear women I have met. This one can be felt:
We Are So Tired of Meaning Nothing
Ashley Beck
That was the summer we strung moments together
recklessly and pinned them to walls in a room
with no windows. We were strategic.
I wanted to take pictures of every place we sat:
the back of the laundromat with the fake flowers,
the bench behind the cheap resort,
the red table outside the drive-in restaurant.
Important, empty places.
I can tell you there was a war going on,
but don't ask me to distinguish premature
moment from premature moment.
The days meld together like warm blood:
I forgot to write them down.
Your lips are taut; smoke dances around them. I lie
in the dirt next to the curb just so you'll tell me to get
up. A debauched haze interrupts the skyline. Here,
there are no stars. I ask, "Why are you so calm?"
"Because when you're this way, I have to be."
We are nervous people.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
my heart vs. my throat
"The tree that grows where tempests toss its boughs and bend its trunk often almost to breaking, is often more firmly rooted than the tree which grows in the sequestered valley where no storm ever brings stress or strain. The same is true of life. The grandest character is grown in hardship." - Mrs. Cowman
Something about having grand character appeals to me. But I forget that every single time I go through something even a bit straining. When life is really just bothering me, I feel as if my mood, let alone my character, is no where near grand or appealing. Why is it that every time I read something like this, it makes perfect sense in my mind...but then when I'm living it, I feel as if the world is going to implode?
Maybe I need to stick post-it notes up all over the place. On my desk, on my mirror, on my computer, completely around my that I don't get so caught up in the worldliness of the world and I remember Him. When my 'wants' blow away and my concept of normal fails, I feel as though I almost intentionally let everything else drown out God.
My mind is so stubborn. Or maybe my heart. Or is it my heart? We learned in Anthropology today that this tribe in South America considers the throat to be the center of the human. If a person loses the ability to speak, they are considered dead. Everything circles around the throat in their culture, just as everything circles around the heart in ours. I wonder if they consider their throat to be the center of all their emotions when a family loses a loved one, do their throats break? That seems like such a violent picture, but then again, a heart breaking could be pretty gruesome too.
Well, from now on, I'm going to will my mind, or heart, or throat or whatever it is, to acknowledge God next time I am all disoriented. When I can't make sense of my day, when it feels immature to discuss it, when nothing of importance happens all week - that is when I need to consult the Lord.
Something about having grand character appeals to me. But I forget that every single time I go through something even a bit straining. When life is really just bothering me, I feel as if my mood, let alone my character, is no where near grand or appealing. Why is it that every time I read something like this, it makes perfect sense in my mind...but then when I'm living it, I feel as if the world is going to implode?
Maybe I need to stick post-it notes up all over the place. On my desk, on my mirror, on my computer, completely around my that I don't get so caught up in the worldliness of the world and I remember Him. When my 'wants' blow away and my concept of normal fails, I feel as though I almost intentionally let everything else drown out God.
My mind is so stubborn. Or maybe my heart. Or is it my heart? We learned in Anthropology today that this tribe in South America considers the throat to be the center of the human. If a person loses the ability to speak, they are considered dead. Everything circles around the throat in their culture, just as everything circles around the heart in ours. I wonder if they consider their throat to be the center of all their emotions when a family loses a loved one, do their throats break? That seems like such a violent picture, but then again, a heart breaking could be pretty gruesome too.
Well, from now on, I'm going to will my mind, or heart, or throat or whatever it is, to acknowledge God next time I am all disoriented. When I can't make sense of my day, when it feels immature to discuss it, when nothing of importance happens all week - that is when I need to consult the Lord.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
even greater things
So I'm reading this book called Compelled by Love and I came upon this quote by Mother Teresa,
"Today it is very fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them."
I feel like we talk about the homeless and those who have less and loving our roommates like Christ would and tithing and selflessly giving but how often do we actually follow through with our speech? I guess I've just been so convicted of this lately...and it truly annoys me because I look at what I'm typing right now and this is yet another form of simply "talking" about it...this thought holds no merit unless I actually go out and do something about it.
Specifically referring to the poor, I am called, as a Christian, to go out and feed the hungry and clothe the naked. John 14:12 says,
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Are you kidding me? I must've heard this verse a hundred times during my private, Christian school upbringing but I have never truly listened to what this claims. I always have stopped with the thought that I could never accomplish even close to what Jesus did in His lifetime. His miracles were much too lofty, much too momentous for me to ever attempt. It's like looking at an ocean stretching for miles and not even attempting to stick my toe in as I could never possibly swim the length or breadth. But is that a reason to not swim at all?
This verse says we will do even MORE then Jesus did. We will do greater things than the Son of God did on this earth. Why the heck am I simply sitting around waiting for things to be dropped in my lap? I cannot possibly have an excuse now that I've seen this verse.
"Today it is very fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them."
I feel like we talk about the homeless and those who have less and loving our roommates like Christ would and tithing and selflessly giving but how often do we actually follow through with our speech? I guess I've just been so convicted of this lately...and it truly annoys me because I look at what I'm typing right now and this is yet another form of simply "talking" about it...this thought holds no merit unless I actually go out and do something about it.
Specifically referring to the poor, I am called, as a Christian, to go out and feed the hungry and clothe the naked. John 14:12 says,
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Are you kidding me? I must've heard this verse a hundred times during my private, Christian school upbringing but I have never truly listened to what this claims. I always have stopped with the thought that I could never accomplish even close to what Jesus did in His lifetime. His miracles were much too lofty, much too momentous for me to ever attempt. It's like looking at an ocean stretching for miles and not even attempting to stick my toe in as I could never possibly swim the length or breadth. But is that a reason to not swim at all?
This verse says we will do even MORE then Jesus did. We will do greater things than the Son of God did on this earth. Why the heck am I simply sitting around waiting for things to be dropped in my lap? I cannot possibly have an excuse now that I've seen this verse.
Friday, October 23, 2009
discarding monochrome

So a few days ago, my phone passed on. And when I say passed on I mean my phone of three, faithful years crossed over the great divide officially. My actual phone was okay, but the charger port inside wouldn't accept a charge any longer; slowly but surely the battery drained and then she was gone. (Why are ships and cars and phones and things always referred to as 'shes'?)
Anyways, at first, I was mildly frustrated. There were several people I had been in mid-conversation with and several that I had felt I needed to get a hold of later...and since I've been so dependent on my cell as of late, I had barely any numbers memorized. I have to be honest, I felt a bit despondent, and the fact that I couldn't contact any of my friends for whatever reason did nothing to elevate my feeling. The next morning I got up (using my actual alarm clock with the ugly beep instead of the ringtone on my phone), went to class all day, and made my way back to my dorm - all without my cherished cell phone.
I remember specifically walking back from Statistics class and thinking, "This is different, I can actually hear myself." I was thinking my thoughts thouroughly, without reservation. The sky was grey and it was drizzly outside. The weather matched my mood, but then my viewpoint switched entirely. Sometimes, I wake up and its overcast and raining out, and right then I decide that today is a gloomy day. It feels lonely to walk outside and something ominous is always coming. The woods look creepy instead of lovely and everyone walks with their hoods up and their faces towards the sidewalks. Other murky days, I climb out of bed and the grey feels soft. Something straight from Seattle and I enjoy my umbrella and feel that a cup of coffee is necessary.
At any rate, my viewpoint of this colorless day shifted thoroughly. To the soft kind. I realized that in this separation from constant contact with others, that my thoughts turned themselves inside out. Instead of grazing through my day - wake up, class, homework, practice, go to bed - I would come to a thought and actually think it through, instead of skimming over it. My thoughts had color and corners. It was a type of solitude I had never really experienced before. It wasn't isolation by any stretch; I could talk to any one person at any given moment. But this was a solitude within myself. I had no reason to check my texts, or wonder if anyone had called, or if there was anywhere I needed to be. The option wasn't available, so I began to disconnect it from my mind.
It struck me as a bit absurd that this was how it always was no less then thirty years ago...and now, our generation is so unknowingly subject to our communications. I hadn't even realized how completely wrapped up I was in that little thing and how, undisclosed to myself, I constantly kept a tiny thought off to the side of my mind to further check my phone.
To be honest, the whole thing truly annoyed me and since I had no one else at my immediate disposal, I turned to the One whom I should have been addressing the entire time. I felt as if my thoughts had been washed clean of their constancy and could wholly come before the Lord without distraction. He brought to my realization how much I credit toward others and how sustained I am by fellowship. Interdependence is necessary, but hardly a reason to not come to Him first. This whole ordeal puts merit to my utter humanness, for which I must daily appeal.
I think I'm going to leave my phone in my dorm tomorrow.
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