Sunday, February 21, 2010

i think this is a rare cactus plant that i'm in.

so i am currently sitting in a plant trying to type a ten page paper on male vs. female aggression for my psychology of gender class. i'm not actually in the plant, but basically it's the closest i can get to an outlet to plug in my i have fronds in my face. i and both my amys are currently at the spyhouse coffeeshop which is just about the coolest place i've ever been in downtown minneapolis. we moved from the window seats to a large table since it was closer to the outlet...but even so, i had to ask a random man sitting in the living room area to plug in my charger under the small coffee table. he was like (in his mind but it was written all over his face), "you're weird, but okay, i'll uncomfortably bend over and plug in your cord under this table."

i wish i could draw you all a diagram to show you how awkwardly i am sitting right now.

but seriously, go visit this place...i got like three whole pages typed here. background noise helps me concentrate i'll stick a picture in: see that table to the right? and the plant right beside it? yeah thats the one i was in...although i think it's grown since that picture was taken. it was getting very jungle.

1 comment:

  1. Love spyhouse. :) let's visit together and get there early so we get a good seat :)
